Dating apps have surfaced and become more popular. Many independent dating app developers have picked this industry by storm. However, it can be hard to make any app succeed in this competitive industry on Instagram.
Instagram Dating App Marketing
here are the few things to pay attention to in handling Instagram dating app marketing
Change from individual profile to a business profile
A dating app is an enterprise that makes it mandatory to have an Instagram business profile. The business profile will enable you to check all metrics. They are about how your stories, posts, and followers come along on Instagram. The business profile will allow you to do the following;
Promoting your app by running apps.
Creating links that people can use to download the app.
Adding contact buttons that users can use when they have an inquiry about the app.
In switching your account, click on the personal profile gear action. Next, scroll to choose the account and select switch to the business profile.
Make branded hashtags
Your app will have excellent attention if you include hashtags. While making hashtags, make sure they get always used creatively. Hashtags will increase your content shared on Instagram. They attract more likes, followers, and comments from brand visibility. Hashtags will also encourage the audience to share the content with others.
Link influencers
By promoting services and products on social media platforms, influencers are very vital. Influencers to use will come from love, mingling, community, or relationship niches. Find a reputable influencer and get on the move.
Find time-conscious publishing tools
It’s not wrong to use automation to promote your app. Marketing takes much effort and time. Save time by automating tasks like reposting, analyzing performance, and scheduling posts.
Know the add to run
You will make money from running apps on your profile. Make links that connect users to your app download places or sites. Your link should have a simple call to action that will trap users.
Instagram live use
Many Instagram users are using the famous Live streaming. When you use Instagram live to promote your app, you allow users to access the app. Including your update in the live stream highlights invites people to watch it. In addition, they will enjoy what you offer in your app.
Make engaging stories
Exciting stories will engage your specific followers in your app. For you to have a positive engagement with followers, you have to make an engaging story. It will permit users to socialize with your product. You can add links to stories that will enable viewers to click the links and download the app. Do this by use of anything clickable like questionnaires or polls. You can have small contests for the app to draw more attention. When you have an engaging story, you will interact with all users on personal levels.