Facebook Messenger Dating is a tool offered to help introduce you to your future spouse, summer fling, or a friend. Users of the app can opt-in, and browse Events and Groups that they are part of for potential matches. They send them a text-only message depending on something on their profile, which gets to a special Dating inbox. If that person reciprocates, they can chat and maybe meet up.
It is built to be privacy-safe, with the hopes of helping you avoid the awkwardness of friends and family checking out your romance profile. It is now available in 19 countries and will soon roll out to the U.S by the end of the year.
Facebook Messenger Dating Benefits
Users now have a way of expressing their affection for a friend without them knowing until they reciprocate.
Facebook Messenger Dating comes with a new feature known as Secret Crush, which expands it beyond strangers and friends-of-friends.
You can choose up to 9 friends you like-like. Once they opt into Facebook Dating, they’ll get a notification that some friend has a crush on them. If they add you as a secret crush, you’ll both get notified and can chat on Messenger.
Facebook Messenger Dating Downsides
A major concern with the Facebook Messenger Dating feature which is the Secret Crush is that users might spam the feature by constantly adding and removing people from their list until they discover a match. To curb this, Facebook will only let you sub out one person per day after you reach your initial limit of 9.
Facebook Messenger Dating, has come to enhance the way you meet and date someone who you’ve been admiring without the fear of rejection.
In summary, Facebook Messenger Dating has really been helpful to most users who have their friends reciprocate their friendship advances without the fear of embarrassing themselves if their love gestures are not reciprocated.