( function ( $ ) { $(document).ready(function() { gform.adminUtils.handleUnsavedChanges( '#gform-settings' ); }); var $container = $( 'div[id="gform_setting_reset"]' ), $publicKey = $( 'input[name="_gform_setting_public_key"]' ), $privateKey = $( 'input[name="_gform_setting_private_key"]' ), $reset = $( 'input[name="_gform_setting_reset"]' ); window.loadRecaptcha = function () { var $recaptcha = $( '#recaptcha' ), $save = $( '#gform-settings-save' ), type = $( 'input[name="_gform_setting_type"]:checked' ).val(); // Flush existing state. window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients = {}; window.___grecaptcha_cfg.count = 0; $recaptcha.html( '' ); $reset.val( 1 ); // Reset key status. $( '#recpatcha .gform-settings-field__feedback' ).remove(); // If no public or private key is provided, exit. if ( ! $publicKey.val() || ! $privateKey.val() ) { $save.prop( 'disabled', false ); $container.hide(); return; } else { $save.prop( 'disabled', true ); } // Render reCAPTCHA. grecaptcha.render( 'recaptcha', { 'sitekey': $publicKey.val(), 'size': type === 'invisible' ? type : '', 'badge': 'inline', 'error-callback': function () { }, 'callback': function () { $save.prop( 'disabled', false ); } } ); switch ( type ) { case 'checkbox': $( '#gforms_checkbox_recaptcha_message, label[for="reset"]' ).show(); break; case 'invisible': $( '#gforms_checkbox_recaptcha_message, label[for="reset"]' ).hide(); break; } $container.show(); if ( type === 'invisible' ) { grecaptcha.execute(); } }; $publicKey.on( 'change', loadRecaptcha ); $privateKey.on( 'change', loadRecaptcha ); $( 'input[name="_gform_setting_type"]' ).on( 'change', function () { loadRecaptcha(); } ); } )( jQuery ); Tech News - SLEEK-FOOD

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