Are you aware that you can use buy and sell Facebook pages to boost sales on your business. If you are not, then I suggest that you educate yourself briefly with this article.
In this article, I can promise you that there is a lot you are going to learn and I can equally assure you that they have been tested and work a hundred present. Facebook buy and sell pages so face are one of the popular ways to make your business known to people, that is of course, excluding Facebook groups.
Now a Facebook buy and sell page does not require anyone to be a member first for them to view your page, that is, if your page is public. Also Facebook pages are known to travel farther than any other thing on Facebook as you can easily boost your posts.
However if you wish to boost your posts, you must have to pay by running an ad (advertisement). Because of all these so many benefits, Facebook buy and sell pages are considered to be one of the very best ways to boost your business sales.
Create a Facebook account
This of course as it may seem unreasonable is a very vital part and has a very vital role to play. You see, without a Facebook account, there is no way you can find or create Facebook buy and sell page. Again the older the Facebook account and the more friends, the more people the page post will have to get to without you running an ad. To create a Facebook account;
- Go to the official Facebook website at
- On the official Facebook website, click on the icon indicating you should create a new account.
- Now on the new page you will be redirected to, add your personal information such as your name and your desired password.
- Add these and click on the next icon. In most condition, you might not find the next icon but you will find the continue icon as a replacement.
- Add your contact details on the next page and confirm it by completing the challenge you are given.
That is it for creating an account. If you completed the steps above successfully, you will be instantly logged in on your Facebook account. Now if you want to login your account, all you need to do is go to the Facebook homepage and enter your login credentials you obtained earlier form creating your account. Enter the credential into the specified boxes and click on the login button.
Finding Facebook buy and sell pages
This is very easy. Once you are logged in on your Facebook account, click on the search bar on top of any Facebook page and search for any term relating to buy and sell. Wait for your results and click on the pages link to find all pages related to your search term now all you need to do is click on the page to visit the page.
Listing items for Sale on Facebook buy and sell pages
When you are on the Facebook buy and sell page, click on the dialog box at the top of the page indicating you should post something. Add your item description and price, then some pictures to best describe them and post. However if you are doing this for pages which have a link indicating you should add what you are selling, it is best you use that link.