Avatar On Facebook – Facebook Avatar 2020 | How to Make Your Own Facebook Avatar – Facebook Avatar App

Avatar on Facebook has to be one of the best things that have happened to Facebook users this year, with the fact that it’s the headline trend on Facebook. A feature on Facebook that lets you create an exact copy of yourself on cartoons. These cartoons look more like bitmoji or memoji meaning Snapchat and Apple might just have got a new competitor.

Honestly, I have been hearing about this feature for quite some time now, specifically, last year. What I never thought of was Facebook releasing the feature this year. The Facebook avatar is an interesting feature as it gives users the opportunity to create an avatar on Facebook which can be used for quite a lot.

The avatars are created by an app on the Facebook app. It’s called the Facebook avatar maker/creator and it’s very easy to access.

avatar on facebook

What Facebook Avatars can be used For?

If you aren’t making use of the Facebook avatar, it is important you note what you are missing. Facebook said some things about the avatar being used as a way to improve how we communicate on Facebook.

 Take this illustration, someone posts something about life on your newsfeed and it’s funny. In the comment section, instead of commenting using words, all you need is a sticker or smiley. What’s better than a sticker of a smiling or laughing avatar you created?

These avatars could also be shared amongst ourselves on Facebook as it shows just how good and creative you are. Also, they can be used as our profile and cover photos on Facebook, if you do not really like the idea of putting your personal picture up there.

How to Access Facebook Avatar Maker

It’s not hard at all although you need to have the updated and latest version of the Facebook app. The Facebook avatar maker is integrated with the Facebook latest edition of its app, if your app is not updated, you will not be able to access this feature.

  • Open the Facebook mobile app on your device.
  • Sign in to your account.
  • Click on the three-lined menu icon at the top right corner.
  • Scroll down and tap on See More.
  • On the next page, tap on Avatars, then tap on Next.

Making Your Own Facebook Avatar

Once you tap on the Get Started button, Facebook will direct you to a page where you will start creating your avatar. There is not exactly a gender option so you just go directly to customizing how your avatar’s face looks like. From there you specify its hairstyle and color, eye shape, nose shape, complexion, outfit, and any other specs you’d like to add.

Want the avatar to look exactly like you, click on the mirror icon at the top right corner which will open your device front camera. Doing this enables you to view yourself while creating your avatar.

You could also edit the avatar later after creating it. Just follow the same steps for accessing the Facebook avatar maker. When you get to the avatar page, click on the Pencil icon at the top.

Facebook Avatar Not Working/ Can’t Access Facebook Avatar Maker

If you are in this category it means your Facebook app is not updated. Update your Facebook app and try the steps again.

Furthermore, the Facebook avatar maker has not been released to all countries yet. Facebook started its release in New Zealand and Australia, earlier this year, the U.S, U.K, and some parts of Canada and Africa also got theirs.

There are still lots of countries that do not have the Facebook avatar maker app and Facebook plans on resolving that soon, please just be calm, am sure it won’t take long.

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