Create and Boost Facebook Posts | About Boosting Post on Facebook

Facebook is a social media platform that has its uses for a lot of purposes than just chatting or making friends. you can use Facebook as a platform to look for dates and as an ecommerce platform where you can buy and sell.

Facebook can also be used to advertise your brand, business or products, whether you are a business owner or you are a celebrity. You can advertise using several methods on Facebook, you can buy ads or you can create posts your self then advertise. Creating a post might require more efforts because you will have to create and boost Facebook posts for it to get to your desired audience.

Create and Boost Facebook Posts

When you create and boost Facebook posts, that post has a very high chance of getting to all your audience within a short period of time, it is just another form of advertising on Facebook. You must own a Facebook page before you can boost your post, boosting posts is not free on Facebook but there is a guarantee that your post will be seen by majority if not all of your audience.

Facebook was created in a way that news feed will be full of posts from families and friends, this has made it more difficult for business page’s post to appear on news feeds, but when you create and boost Facebook posts, your business page’s post will be seen among the ones from families and friends. When you create and boost your Facebook posts, you will still be in control of your post, that means you can still manage your post.

Create and Boost Facebook Posts – Boost Facebook Posts

Now let us go into details on how you can boost Facebook posts. Since we all know how to create Facebook posts, then we should know how to boost them too. To boost Facebook posts, follow the steps below

  1. Firstly, choose the post you want to boost, click on boost post to begin
  2. After that, what you should do next is to select your audience, you can filter the audience by sex, gender, location, age, sexual orientation, and others
  3. Now that you are done selecting the audience, the next step is to set your Budget
  4. Now set the duration of the boost, how long you will like that post to be boosted
  5. Review the post and make every necessary correction
  6. Select your payment method and fill out every necessary information

 Now you are good to boost your post, though it may take a while before you see your post published because Facebook will have to review it.

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